
(2)評点平均値 = 段階評価の評点の累計/段階評価を得た登録者数
※評点とは、段階評価を A=4.0、B=3.0、C=2.0、D=1.0、F=0.0 に変換したものです。
【Notes for the undergraduate subject】
(1)The grade point distribution column indicates an achievement rate in each evaluation.
For 'Others,' evaluations are summarized as follows: Acceptance evaluation and certification evaluation, which are different
from the five-step evaluation of A to F.
(2)Average grade point = Cumulative total of grade points in step-evaluation / number of students receiving stepevaluations
※A grade point is a step-evaluation converted as follows: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, or F=0.0.
Evaluations (excepting acceptance evaluation and certification evaluation), which are converted to grade points, are
counted in grade point averages.
(3)A subject whose “Remarks” column is given an asterisk “*” includes students who took different subjects to finish the
course due to differences in curriculum.
But the asterisk “*” doesn’t include students who took different subjects to finish the course due to differences in
program and the asterisk “*” isn’t displayed.
(4)If the total number of registered students is less than 10, their achievement evaluations or grade point averages are not
In addition, when a faculty or others have decided not to disclose academic results, the academic results are not displayed
even if the number of registered students is 10 or more.
Furthermore if students who took different subjects to finish the course due to differences in program, they don’t be
summarized as registered students.
『他』は、合否判定や認定評価など、 A+~Fの7段階評価ではない評価を集計しています。
(2)評点平均値 = 段階評価の評点の累計/段階評価を得た登録者数
※評点とは、段階評価を A+=4.5、A=4.0、B+=3.5、B=3.0、C+=2.5、C=2.0、F=0.0 に変換したものです。
【Notes for the graduate subject】
(1)The grade point distribution column indicates an achievement rate in each evaluation. For 'Others,' evaluations are
summarized as follows: Acceptance evaluation and certification evaluation, which are different from the seven-step
evaluation of A+ to F
(2)Average grade point = Cumulative total of grade points in step-evaluation / number of students receiving step-evaluations
※A grade point is a step-evaluation converted as follows: A+=4.5, A=4.0, B+=3.5, B=3.0, C+=2.5, C=2.0, or F=0.0.
Evaluations (excepting acceptance evaluation and certification evaluation), which are converted to grade points, are
counted in grade point averages.
(3)A subject whose “Remarks” column is given an asterisk “*” includes students who took different subjects to finish the
course due to differences in curriculum.
But the asterisk “*” doesn’t include students who took different subjects to finish the course due to differences in
program and the asterisk “*” isn’t displayed.
(4)If the total number of registered students is less than 10, their achievement evaluations or grade point averages are not
In addition, when a faculty or others have decided not to disclose academic results, the academic results are not displayed
even if the number of registered students is 10 or more.
Furthermore if students who took different subjects to finish the course due to differences in program, they don’t be
summarized as registered students.